Top Tips for
Public Speaking

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Public Speaking and Slaying Dragons

October 20, 2023
Customise your character, choose your unique abilities and spend your experience points wisely to progress to the next level....
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The Greatest Tip EVER... When Speaking in Public

September 22, 2023
Hear from Jen, Keynote Club regular, as she shares the greatest public speaking tip ever!
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Presenter's Jeopardy: Are You Ready to Play?

September 22, 2023
Ket Patel's brilliant strategy for overcoming the fear of mind blanks during public speaking.
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Overcoming Fear With Oli

September 6, 2023
Get ready for a motivational talk on handling fear with Oliver Hopkinson.
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Smashing Introductions With Susie

September 6, 2023
Susie Palmer-Trew covers all things intros and how to nail them.
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How To Improve Speaking Pitches With Gemma

September 6, 2023
Gemma Houghton shares her tips on how to secure speakings slots.
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